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Monday, July 26, 2010

Puppy Crate Training - 7 Tips to Ensure Success

Crating will establish good habits with your puppy if handled correctly. Your puppy will feel safe and secure in his space if you make it a pleasurable experience from the very beginning by following these 7 tips.

1. Look for a crate that is large enough for your fully grown puppy. Keep in mind many crates can be partitioned off allowing the internal size of the crate to increase as your puppy grows.

2. Select a soft bed that is suited for your climate, and can not be chewed and swallowed by your puppy.

3. Put his chew toy and a treat or two in the space furthest from the door of the crate.

4. Put the crate in the room you will keep it in and where he can feel out of the way, yet have access to you.

5. Select a water bowl that has a weighted wide base that won't tip over or one that will attach to the crate wall. And always keep a supply of clean fresh water for them.

6. When you are leaving, or putting him in the crate, give him his command "Crate" and praise him gently. Practice this several times a day during his first few weeks home. Leaving him in the crate for short intervals while you leave the house, he will soon realize you are coming back to let him out.

7. When you let your puppy out of the crate, immediately take him outside to relieve himself. A general rule to calculate the number of hours a puppy should be able to last without having to relieve them selves is equal to their age (in months) plus one. A two-month old puppy should be able to last three hours.

Crate training is a valuable asset and will establish good habits with your puppy. It is important to remember when introducing your puppy to the crate to make it an exciting and happy experience. A happy and comfortable puppy will mature into a well-mannered and loving companion.

Find out more time saving tips at The Dog Training System

Friday, July 23, 2010

Puppy Potty Training Tips

Puppy potty training is extremely essential, and getting your puppy trained to relieve themselves outside or in a specified location will take some time, so have patience. Consistency is what is needed for ones puppy to understand just what is to be expected of them.

When it comes time to take your puppy out side always use the same route, the same commands and praise them when they start to go, and when they finish. Do not stand in doors, especially when it is raining or very cold out side. Your puppy might associate going to the bathroom with being left outside alone. This could cause them to start relieving them selves in their crate or elsewhere in the house just so they don't have to go outdoors.

A general rule to calculate the number of hours a puppy should be able to last without having to relieve them selves is equal to their age (in months) plus one. A two-month old puppy should be able to last three hours.

Setting a consistent puppy potty schedule:

1. Take them out first thing in the morning (will be most effective if waking at same time every morning), every hour throughout the day and at night.

2. Keep them on a leash to assist you in leading them to the correct area and so you won't have to chase them if they get distracted by any other activity outside.

3. Walk them directly to the potty area. Choose a command word that means "time to go to the bathroom", be consistent with your command word.
Once they begin to go, continue using your command word or phrase in a gentle voice until they are done. Then, praise your puppy for a great job.

Potty training your puppy can be both rewarding and challenging. But with time your puppy will get the hang of things and then you will be able to sleep much better.

To find out more time saving tips and teach your puppy how to ask to go out visit:The Dog Training System